Bram De Looze - Piano Solo

On Sunday afternoon, 15/12, we welcome pianist Bram De Looze.
Bram De Looze is a Belgian jazz pianist whose distinct musical vision has found its way through both solo projects and collaborations with other artists.
His unique technical skill and musical maturity make him one of the most interesting pianists in Belgium.
He frequently collaborates with international stars such as Joey Baron and Thomas Morgan.


Given the limited number of seats, we only work with reservations.
Tickets 20€ (-25y = 15€)
Reservations: info@otoro.be
15 December 16.00h (doors 15.15h)




Releaseconcert of Machtelinckx/Gouband/Leroux/Rasten

In 2019, ‘porous structures’ was released, the first album by the quartet Machtelinckx/Badenhorst/Cools/
Gouband. The album won the award for ‘Best Belgian Jazz Album’.
In September 2024, ‘porous structures II’ will be released, a new album by a quartet led by Ruben
Machtelinckx, this time in the company of Fredrik Rasten, Frederik Leroux and again Toma Gouband.
What remains is the choice for acoustic and fragile sounds, comprehensible to the listener but with an
underlying tension and complexity. New is the intertwining of acoustic guitars. While the first album played
with silence, ‘porous structures II’ plays with textures. The melodic voice is exchanged for a group sound in
which individuals are barely distinguishable. The classic roles in an ensemble are abandoned: the three guitars
weave a web and the percussion moves freely through it. The quartet plays a stubborn game of endless,
subtle variations.


Tickets are 20€ (-25y = 15€)

On reservation only: info@otoro.be

Concert: 20.00 (doors 19.15)




Very excited to host the wonderful Helga Fanderl for a unique filmscreening. 

Helga has developed a practice of Super 8 filming, programming film sessions that are different each time, making personal site-specific screenings, as well as exhibitions and installations.
More info: helgafanderl.com

The same evening Frederik Leroux and Heleen Van Haegenborgh will present the music of 'this here empty room'. (aspenedities)

‘This here empty room’ is a collection of thirteen miniature compositions for solo acoustic guitar and solo piano. 


Tickets are 20€ (-25y = 15€)

On reservation only: info@otoro.be






On October 22th we are happy to present two solos.

Tickets are 20€
On reservation only: info@otoro.be



On May 17th we are happy to present two duos.
The first concert will be the premiere of the duo of guitarist Ruben Machtelinckx and Norwegian violinist Nils Økland. After that Nils Økland will perform with long-time collaborator Sigbjørn Apeland on harmonium. This acclaimed duo has released several records on the ECM label.

Tickets are 15€
On reservation only: info@otoro.be



We have the immense pleasure to welcome Norwegian pianist Christian Wallumrød and Belgian banjo duo Poor Isa.
Tickets are 15€
On reservation only: info@otoro.be



On June 19th we organise a label night by Aspen Edities.
Music by Leroux + Van Isacker + Vanderstraeten and Karl Van Deun
There will be a small exhibition of paintings by Naninga Lens
Food by Aspen.
Music + Food: 30€

Reservations are made by mailing: aspenconcerts@gmail.com

 ©Naninga Lens